“What stands in the way, becomes the way.” ~Marcus Aurelius

Perfectly Different


The energetic Anthony is eager to show you his friends. They are each unique and beautiful in their own given way. This book’s purpose is to help children be open to and embrace the differences in others because no one is ever truly the same.

This story introduces an inclusive group of young children, all of whom have their own special needs (ADHD, Deaf, Blind, Autism) and perspectives on life. ‘Perfectly Different’ is meant to usher in a short story series that will showcase what life is like for children that have common disabilities and instill the idea that if someone has any special needs, it shouldn’t impede anyone from befriending them. These stories will remain within the realm of twenty pages or so. Being a father of two beautiful children of my own, I know that the average child’s attention span in the 3 to 5 age range is limited. That’s why I’ve focused more on the overall message rather than the longevity or stimulating illustrations of the book. This was all done with your child’s benefit in mind.

Our children are our future. Let’s build a better tomorrow one book at a time.


Paperback, Kindle